Social Prescribing Solutions

Helping Social Prescribers Hit the Ground Running

An overwhelming majority of health care contacts – GP appointments, 999 calls, hospital attendances – stem from individuals being isolated, where often the positive impact of a social or human connection can outweigh a medical solution.

Recognising the value of a de-medicalised, de-criminalised approach to supporting individuals, the social prescribing workforce is being expanded and invested in.

Think Outs can help you hit the ground running and ensure GP practices feel the benefit from reduced appointments without delay.

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How we can Help

We understand that social prescribing is a challenging role. Individuals in need of support may present with multi-faceted needs, not always obvious at first sight, and caseloads can be heavy. This is where our specialist expertise comes in.

In line with NHS England’s personalised care agenda, we support Link Workers, Community Connectors, GP practice teams and Primary Care Networks by providing social prescribing training and coaching. Support that is bespoke, impactful and high energy achieving positive results from the outset.

We help frontline social prescribers and the wider team manage the cases they often struggle with the most, preventing burnout and maximising their capacity and contribution.

Our training equips social prescribers with the practical tools and techniques they need.

Training for Impact

Taking the learning from our work with high intensity use, training is based on our flexible Switch Model®. It equips people with the ‘how’ to support individuals and achieve the desired impact, without the worker or practice overcommitting or staff burning out.

Our training is a blend of workshop, bespoke teaching webinars and coaching support. It offers an optimum approach for the development of sustainable services and well-supported, resilient social prescribers.

Read more about our training and coaching programme here

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