Rotational Workforce Solutions

Addressing Workforce CHallenges by Staff Rotation

We Think Outs love a ‘win-win’ solution to a problem and rotational working provides winners all round.

Permanently rotating staff between settings or departments – within or across organisations – can sustainably address a number of workforce and capacity challenges and we can help you find and implement the optimal solution.

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Rotational Working ‘Win-Wins’

Rotational working may be particularly useful if you:

have difficulties recruiting or retaining staff in a particular area of work or geography (rural, urban, deprived)
have skills gaps
want to improve integrated working within or across organisations
want to prevent burnout or rustout in over or underused or highly pressured roles
need to improve the pool of staff so shifts are covered
want to improve the health and wellbeing of your staff
want to change to a ‘win-win’ culture between organisations competing for the same staff or skill sets
need to level out demand in peaks of activity.

How we can Help

An approach by Health Education England (HEE) to find a solution to address paramedic retention and workforce challenges in primary care, led to the design of the Rotating Paramedic Model by Think Outs founder, Rhian Monteith. The model is now being promoted by NHS England.

Our experience designing, implementing and testing and leading HEE’s national Rotating Paramedic Model has given us the insight, knowledge and appetite to develop sustainable rotational models that work for everyone.

For a range of professions and organisations in the public and private sector, we will:

• Understand your unique challenges
• Suggest options for rotational working and their rationale
• Work with you and your team to co-design a rotational solution that meets your needs
• Advise you on rotational model best practice, avoiding the pitfalls, and hastening the pace to reach the best solution and mobilise quickly
• Design and run workshops to launch, co-design, review progress and build on strengths
• Support and encourage an iterative Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) approach to design to ensure flexibility and pace
• Support the safe delivery of your rotational model

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Rational Workforce Solution

Watch, Think Outs’ founder, Rhian Monteith, explaining the Rotational Paramedic model on this NHS England video about how allied health professions are contributing to providing more integrated care.